The unspecific inflammation reaction
The unspecific immune answer (unspecific inflammation) is directed “against Everything what does notbelong in the body”. Bacteria, foreignbodies, particle, in proteins engagedmetal ions (Haptene) are surroundedand (phagozytiert) more by the Scavenger cells (Makrophagen) and in the cell destroyed.
Besides, Zytokine – above all alpha TNF and Interleukin 1 are released as a Leitzytokine of the unspecificin flammation..
However, the Makrophagen do not finish some bigger particles or particleand go in it even to reason. This leadstoo unspecific inflammation in the gumsor in the bowel with raised corrosion ofdental metals.
Specific inflammation: Allergy of theimmediate type – type I
Allergies are the specific immunologicalreactions. With a specific inflammationthe immune system must already have come with the trigger (allergen) to contact and have formed exactlysuitable cells (Lymphozyten) (sensitisation, key castle Principle).
The type 1 Allergy of the immediatetype distinguishes itself by the fact thata reaction occurs almost immediately inseconds till minutes after contact with the allergen (for example, redness of the skin, swell of the eyes etc. ). This reaction occurs through the emission of inflammation medium gates like histamine.
Classical examples are the hay fever orthe bee-sting allergy. Indeed, a type I ispossible for reaction in rare cases alsoon dental-medical materials like fillingplastics, root filler or cements.
Specific inflammation: Allergy of the latetype – type IV
The “The SWAT Team of armed forces belonging to body” shows the specific Typ-IV allergy of the latetype. With his T-Lymphozyten it isdirected specifically against alreadyknown allergens (sensitisation).
If an allergen is presented by the Makrophagen and even isolated suitableT-Lymphozyten (commemorative cells) exist, these are activated, start to increase (proliferation) and the defenceit is begun as usual by the Zytokinfreisetzung. Leitzytokine are here INFg (interferon gamma) and IL-6 (Interleukin-6).
Without “stop order” the inflammation would go on always so and the immunesystem would turn against own body and cause suitable damage. This happens thus with auto immuneillnesses. But also fabric damages in the surroundings like osseous dismantlingor gums decline are no rarity. Hence, the immunological reaction and with it the inflammation about the emission of other Zytokine is “adjusted” like IL-10 (Interleukin-10) from t-take-up motioncells, is dammed and finished.