Fillings with amalgam – Blessing or Curse?
Even today, millions of teeth worldwide are supplied with amalgam fillings – a mixture of about 60% silver, 40% mercury and various other heavy metals such as copper and tin.
As all the plastic filling materials – in other words materials that are soft introduced into the tooth and hardened firstly there – amalgam remains unstable in the long run but is subject to various changes in the mouth. In amalgam corrosion can be particularly occur, which can lead to leaky filling margins, the migration of bacteria and subsequently to renewed caries ( “secondary caries”). Also the breakage of whole tooth walls or cusps by stress in the teeth are widespread. Nevertheless, it has an average insertion duration of 9-20 years (in some cases even up to 30 years) compared to other plastic filling materials such as eg plastics, and hence still the longest shelf life.
Because of health concerns over its mercury ingredient, amalgam plays only a minor role and is therefore not used in our practice!
Especially people who have a number of different metals in the mouth (such as gold and amalgam), have elevated mercury levels in the body, since mercury ions can be dissolved from the amalgam by electro-chemical corrosion (battery effect) in the mouth. Through the process of abrasion (abrasion of the teeth under function) in addition to mercury, other heavy metals such as copper or tin penetrate the organism and are deposited here, especially in fat and nerve tissue. Here you can develop their neurotoxic effects.
So amalgam can cause a lot of complications that can break out, depending on physical condition, or stress level sooner or later. In particular, many chronic and initially almost imperceptible disease are attributed to the amalgam.
Allergies, immune deficiency, anemia, depression, asthma, headaches, anxiety, bowel disease, eczema, atopic dermatitis, memory problems, joint pain, heart rhythm disturbancese, liver and kidney damage, and more.
For an accurate evaluation, we thus offer in collaboration with our medical partners a review of the heavy metal contamination in the mouth and body, and after amalgam removal of heavy metals.